Water Projects

Clean Water/Sanitation

Haiti’s health-related issues are often connected to poor water quality and sanitation. Currently, less than 50% of Haitians living in rural communities have access to clean water, while approximately only about 25% percent have access to proper disposable waste systems. As a result, waterborne illness such as cholera, various parasites, and bacterial and fungal infections (especially dermatitis and UTIs) are rampant in the community. In fact, more than 60% of the patients we treat present with diseases that are preventable with access to clean water and basic sanitation.



Haiti’s 20 communities face several challenges when it comes to clean water supply and proper sanitation. The primary issues are the lack of financial resources from the Haitian government to fund essential clean water initiatives and disease prevention programs. As a result, many communities are on their own and must find external financial assistance to create infrastructure, so they can get access to clean water and develop proper hygiene campaigns to educate residents about the connection between personal hygiene and disease prevention.


The Good Shepherd Foundation has developed a sanitation and clean water initiative. This initiative is our next step in addressing the overwhelming evidence from our last five years of clinic operations demonstrating the clear relationships between contaminated drinking and bathing water and open-air defecation, and community health. This initiative will provide clean drinking water through the construction and rehabilitation of wells, develop proper waste disposal streams through community latrines and provide the necessary support to help educate local residents on the importance of their proper use.

With your help, the Good Shepard Foundation can help prevent the spread of waterborne diseases, such as cholera, building well and latrines and by strengthening health education programs that promote hygiene and disease prevention behaviors. It is through your kind financial donations that these initiatives can move forward.